What is SMART?

SMART stands for Sexual Assault Multi-Disciplinary Action Response Team. One of 12 in Minnesota. The mission of the Goodhue County SMART is to promote a unified and inclusive survivor centered response to those who have experienced sexual violence in any form. The local team includes representatives from Mayo Clinic Health System, Red Wing; several local law enforcement agencies; the Goodhue County Attorney’s Office and Health & Human Services Department; Minnesota Department of Corrections; Covered Bridge Family Resources, and HOPE Coalition.

If you have been sexually assaulted, trafficked, or sexually exploited please take this brief survey so we can continually improve our response.

For more information, contact Katherine Cross, Goodhue County SMART Coordinator at 651-380-9614 or

Safe Harbor Protocol Team

When the Minnesota Legislature passed the Safe Harbor Law in 2011, Minnesota youth who engaged in prostitution were viewed – for the first time – as victims and survivors, not criminals. The law requires that those youth be treated with dignity and respect, directed to supportive services, and provided with shelter and housing that meet their needs, all while recognizing their right to make their own choices. Sexual exploitation of youth in Minnesota is commonly overlooked, misidentified as something else, and undocumented.

The Legislature also provided funding to assist teams in the development and implementation of local Safe Harbor protocols, ensuring that every community could truly become a “No Wrong Door community” for sexually exploited youth of all gender identities. No Wrong Door is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multi-state agency approach. It ensures communities across Minnesota have the knowledge, skills and resources to effectively identify sexually exploited and at-risk youth. Youth are provided with victim-centered, trauma-informed services, and safe housing. Safe Harbor protocol development encourages systems partners to collaborate within the No Wrong Door statewide services model to ensure that the multidisciplinary response to sex trafficking and sexual exploitation is victim-centered, trauma-informed, culturally-responsive, and sustainable.

Goodhue County Safe Harbor Protocol Team has completed protocol specific to Goodhue County. The Safe Harbor Protocol will serve as a guide for service providers responding to trafficked and sexually exploited youth. The protocol will ensure a victim- centered and consistent response to victims of sex trafficking and exploitation.

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If you are in an abusive relationship and you suspect your computer is being monitored, please do not use this website and do not email us. Find a safe computer, such as one at your local library, or call one of our 24-hour hotlines.